April 17, 2009


This weekend I am headed to Venice Beach with Brenda! We will stay with my sister Victoria and her husband Braden. We will drive my trusted Toyota Corolla with the windows down, we plan to rock out to a new iPod playlist that Brenda is making. We will stop at roadside attractions or fruit stands whenever it floats our boat, or whenever my bladder demands a stop. We will enjoy the sunshine, we will drink wine, we will do some shopping. We will people watch near muscle beach, we might even rent bikes. Stay tuned for tales of our adventures!


Unknown said...

Don't forget breakfast with Meg Ryan!!!!!!I sure hope we run into the guy wearing capri's at Muscle Beach....I am not sure we will remember how to do the rings.

Steph said...

You have a blog... yea! Hope you have a fabulous time on your road trip and that it refreshes you from your unfun tax work :)
Oh, and I have put a bunch of new pics on our blog finally!